Executive & Educator Workshops
DEILAB executive workshops offer participants an opportunity for professional growth and self-improvement that results in morale improvement and multidisciplinary productivity.
Our workshops foster knowledge sharing and unlock the power of idea generation, problem solving and solution development, through LEGO™ based rapid prototyping, failure analysis and innovation labs.
Build stronger connections by empowering people to connect beneath the surface, raise confidence in how each individual engages and increase team cohesion. We create meaningful group experiences in any setting where collaboration and innovation are key factors to any organization's success.
“I came out of this really energized. My favorite new term that I learned today was ‘Fail Forward’. I am really excited about applying this concept to all our initiatives!”
⎯ Senior Executive P&G Gillette

DEILAB workshops motivate mental activity that energizes creative thinking. The significance of play in adults has a direct correlation to idea creation and problem solving.
Proposed ideas are tested early and often to generate data and model development for iterative testing and modification of projects. Creating together builds connections, increases imagination, and opens us up to what is possible.
DEILAB's programming accelerates the metabolism of how people set expectations and see possibilities for themselves. Participating in a rapid cycle of “testing” raises confidence in how each individual engages and contributes.
Our program helps people negotiate and re-negotiate relationships by empowering people to connect beneath the surface in an enjoyable environment where they must exercise and analyze the important role of failure, iteration, testing in solution development and concept creation.
Our programs are well organized, and provide lasting impact. Participants are actively engaged and challenged to grow beyond there comfort zone throughout the program.
Creative breakthroughs happen in an environment in which all attendees, regardless of hierarchical level, can participate equitably. DEILAB is focused on making the world a better place by building communities of innovation through collaboration.